We all want and need clean water. The township has begun discussion and fact finding measures to determine what steps can and should be taken to assure that our groundwater resource is safe and will remain safe in the future for use by the people. If the groundwater is contaminated, what, if anything, can we do to reverse that situation and how can we minimize the chances of future contaminants entering the water source. UW-Stevens Point has studied the groundwater conditions in Chippewa County for decades. Some areas have been found to have high nitrates or other contaminates. You can find this data by searching online. You can also get an extensive water test by contacting Kevin Masarik at UW-Extension & UW Stevens Point, Trainer Natural Resources Building, Room 224, Stevens Point, WI, 54481. Phone: 715-346-4276. There is a fee for the testing.
Basic Homeowner’s Package $52.00 Homeowner’s Metal’s Package $49.00
-Coliform Bacteria -Arsenic
-E. Coli Bacteria -Lead
-Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen -Copper
-Chloride -Magnesium
-pH -Zinc
-Alkalinity -Iron
-Hardness-Total -Potassium
-Conductivity -Sodium
-Saturation Index (Ca)-Corrosivity -Sulfate
You can also contact Chippewa County Department of Land Conservation and Forest Management at the Court House in Chippewa Falls, WI. You do not need an appointment. Go to Room 11 and ask for a Water Test Kit, fill out the form enclosed, and drop the box in the mail. Chippewa County will pay $11.00 of the $19.00 for the Nitrate-Nitrogen test. It would be advisable to pay the additional $19.00 for the Coliform Bacteria test.
You can also contact the Commercial Testing Lab, 514 Main Street, Colfax, WI. You do not need an appointment. Go and ask for a Water Test Kit, fill out the form enclosed, and drop the box in the mail. Chippewa County will not pay the $19.00 for the Nitrate-Nitrogen test at the Colfax Lab. It would be advisable to pay the additional $19.00 for the Coliform Bacteria test.
There are several other private water testing companies. They will test only nitrates for free. All other testing will have to be paid for unless you buy their equipment.
Gibson Water Care will give a free test for nitrates, iron and pH. If you would like a Bacteria test, they charge $75.00.
Gibson Water Care Web site: gibsonswatercare.com
620 N. Hillcrest Pkwy. 1-800-657-4533
Altoona, WI 54720