Plan Commission Information

What is the Wheaton Plan Commission?

The Wheaton Plan Commission (WPC) serves as an advisory board to the Wheaton Town Board (WTB).  The WPC reviews existing ordinances and assists with developing new ordinances for WTB approval.  Residents also come before the WPC for review of changes they want to make with property, etc., to make sure the changes conform to existing ordinances.  The WPC then makes a recommendation to the WTB for consideration.

The WPC consists of seven members.  One of the members may be a member of the WTB and the other six must be citizen members who have experience and qualifications or who are willing to learn.  The terms are for three years and are staggered.  The officers of the WPC are the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary.  The Town Chair appoints members with advisory approval of the board.

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at the Town Hall.  Please Note:  If an election is scheduled on the first Tuesday of the month the Wheaton Plan Commission meeting for that month will be rescheduled for a different date.  Agendas are posted on the Town website under the Plan Commission area.

If you are interested in learning more about the Wheaton Plan Commission or in being appointed to open seats, come to one of the meetings or contact a Town Board official.  You can find more information, including contact information on the Town of Wheaton website at .  This is a great way to learn more about how your local government works.


New Feature

The Wheaton Plan Commission has put together a Plan Commission Application Form to better aid residents and Plan Commission members.  Please follow the instructions listed on Plan Commission Application Form.


Plan Commission Application Form