Updated April 6th
The Spring Election will still occur on Tuesday, April 7th!
Poll Location: Wheaton Town Hall
4975 County Highway T
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Poll Hours: 7AM – 8PM
Absentee ballets must be postmarked no later than April 7th to count. You can also drop off your absentee ballet at Wheaton Town Hall on April 7th until 8PM if desired.
If you did not receive an absentee ballet yet you will need to vote in person.
Election results will not be posted until April 13th.
Updated April 1st
- A six (6′) foot social distancing policy will be in place.
- We urge voters to use hand sanitizer while at the poll location.
- There will be hand sanitizer, paper towels, waste baskets, ink pens, etc available.
- Poll workers and voters will be separated by dividers as shown in picture below.
- Voters should consider bringing their own ink pens and keep them to themselves.
- Signage will be posted to show voters where to enter and exit as well as where hand sanitizing stations are located.

Posted on March 21st
With upcoming spring election on Tuesday, April 7th here is some additional voting information for residents in case you had questions. We will continue to post election information updates under News and Notices section if further changes occur.
Poll Location: Wheaton Town Hall
4975 County Highway T
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Poll Hours: 7AM – 8PM
The positions along with candidates running are listed below. Please Note: All candidates are listed in the order printed on the ballets. A sample ballet has also been posted at the Wheaton Town Hall and Wheaton Recycling Center.
2 Town Board Supervisor Seats
Bob Sworski
Alice Droske
Scott Schmidt
Click here for Absentee voting information
Do you have further voting questions? Please contact Scott Deutscher – Wheaton Clerk at 715-874-5982 or email wheaton.clerk@gmail.com